Powerpoint & Worksheet
Introduce halving quantities by teaching children to share cupcakes! Discuss the word 'fair' (or 'equal') and find out how to halve quantities. This is an interactive presentation with slides for the children to move the cupcakes around and 'share' them. You can then reveal the number sentence for each slide, e.g. 'Half of 6 is 3'.
This also includes a cut-and-stick worksheet to follow-up.
- Interactive
- Engaging and colourful
- Sharing cupcakes between two plates
- Using the phrase 'one for me, one for you'
- Explains the problem when halving odd numbers
- Ends with an extension question for more able students
- Includes worksheet
20 cards that include different challenges to improve children's reading, such as comprehension questions and special tasks. These can be used independently in the classroom for older children, or sent home with reading books.
Flipchart (ActivInspire) about CVC words with an Autumn theme. Starts with a 'Star Challenge' going through different sounds and then moves onto saying/matching CVC words to pictures. Then children need to use letters provided to spell different CVC words.
Interactive and fun!
ActivInspire Flipchart - can be linked to the story 'Come on Daisy'
A flipchart about positional language - children need to use relevant vocabulary to understand and describe where Daisy is. There is a 'magic window' which will reveal Daisy when it is moved over her hiding place! Very engaging and interactive.
2 ICT lesson flipcharts about using Google Maps.
2 Art/Literacy lesson flipcharts based on houses, stamps, postcards and writing.
Includes an extension worksheet.
All around the theme of Katy Morag!
This can be used as a board activity or sounds can be printed out as a cut and stick activity.
Match the sounds with the correct pictures - an initial sound phonics game.
ActivInspire flipchart introducing commas; what they are, how to use them in a list and how to use them in a sentence. There is also a follow-up activity; children need to cut out the phrases and commas to make a complete and grammatically correct sentence.
These assessments/monitoring sheets can be used for every child, the whole year through, from Baseline to ELG!
These have been created with the ELGs in mind. Included is a Writing assessment (can be printed for each assessment term), Maths assessment/monitoring record, Reading assessment/monitoring record and Group monitoring pro forma.
Never worry about creating your own assessments again!
10 board game printables with numbers to 20, including 3 master copies to you can create your own themes! Just add a dice and get playing!
Themes: Autumn, Winter, Christmas, Spring, Summer, Minibeasts, People Who Help Us, 3 x Master copies
Includes: Phase 4 CVCC word flashcards, CCVC word flashcards, sight word flashcards, polysyllabic word flashcards and matching game (word and picture).
Every Phonics flashcard you could possibly need!
(Also available separately at https://littlelearners.education/resources/ )
Phase 1
List of activities and how to carry them out
Picture cards
Phase 2
Letter sound cards
CVC cards
Matching game cards
Phase 3
Letter sound cards
CVC cards
Matching game cards
Sight word cards
Phase 4
CVCC cards
CCVC cards
Matching game cards
Sight word cards
Polysyllabic words cards
Phase 5
Matching game
Sight word cards
Alternative Sounds cards
Decodable Words cards
Alternative ‘y’ sound cards
Split digraph cards
Phase 6
Matching game
Alien words cards
Suffixes cards